Stabilitāte ir būtisks rādītājs


Komentāri (20)

Absints 20.05.2015. 16.18

Kalmeiers un Čaks Noriss kļūdijās vienreiz – tad, kad domāja, ka kļūdijies…

…..septiņi stagnācijas gadi priekšā…



    v_rostins > 20.05.2015. 23.07


    Neesi tāds pesimists. Sagraus fašistisko izdzimteņu bidlostānu un arī SC un ZRP(v) neliešiem atbrauks pakaļ ASV transporta lidmašīna, lai tos nogādātu Guantanamo cietumā. Tad pārskatīs visus kalnmeierus, kukulīšus, bičkovičus, ķužus un streļčenokus.



DikembeSakamoto 20.05.2015. 16.14

Revolucionārs viņš tiešām nav.



dzeris49 20.05.2015. 13.13

Nav nekāda “stabilitāte”, ir stagnācija, korupcija, kas, nemazinās, ja ne pieaug, ar pakāpenisku tiesiskuma degradāciju, un arī prokuratūra par to atbildīga, kaut, Kalnmeiejers, kurš ir, mazākais, interešu konfliktā, to nekad neatzīs.

Un tā ka mūsu politisko “eliti” šāda situācija un tāds ģenerālprokurors, principā, apmierina( par tiesiskumu vairs pat nerunā), tad turpināsim degradēt.



    Katherine > dzeris49 20.05.2015. 16.38

    How many Riga Central Market, one-car traffic accident, Latvian National, Riga Region Police criminal investigations were initiated under Latvian Criminal Law, Article 260 between 2011 and 2015? We will never know because these criminal investigations were not based on the grounds and reasons of registered traffic accidents or road traffic rule violations and the driver, victim and witness identities were not certified, nor were any injuries. For this reason, “unsubstantiated moral harm compensation payments of 5,000 lats” could rip up unauthorized Decisions to Initiate the Criminal Procedures and no one would be the wiser…unless for each accident a fraudulent GENERIC ambulance card was printed, and then customized for a person waiting in the queue at Riga 2. Slimnica for hip or knee surgery. Accute injuries suffered in traffic accidents qualify as medical emergency – the cost of which the State of Latvia must bear, even if the cost is above and beyond the Health Ministry budget. The money has to come from somewhere — Education? The EU? I think it is scandalous that nobody has investigated this fact. For every innocent suspect, there is a DNA record in the National Data base. Before re-electing Kalnmeiera – somebody should do a little research. One more thing…each ambulance card stole 200 grams of a narcotic known to be the next best drug to morphine: TRAMADOL. The cost of this for a “Repressed Person” was also covered by the State. Google tramadol and Latvia – look at all the people willing to sell this drug over the Internet, using the regular Latvian Post. No scandal Mr. Kalnmeiers? Really?




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