ES pagarina sankcijas pret Janukoviču


Komentāri (23)

Andris Doveiks 06.03.2015. 22.04

Pret Janukoviču nevajag sankcijas, vajag apsūdzību. Tipo, neļāva izdzenāt idiotus, kurus imantoja par fonu valsts apvērsumam ar desmitiem tūkstošu zaudētu dzīvību rezultātu. Tiesa, apsūdzēto solam būtu jābūt kopīgam ar Porošenko, Jaceņuku, Nūlandi…

Par tēmu, bet ne par Ukrainu



    Putlers > Andris Doveiks 06.03.2015. 23.58

    Tādam zaglim kā Janukovičs nemaz nav vietas neatkarīgā Ukrainā. Ukrainai ir visas tiesības iekļaut šādu Kremļa marioneti “melnajā sarakstā”. Apsūdzība ir skaidra: valsts nodevība. Demokrātiskajā Krievijā taču valsts nodevībā var apsūdzēt pat daudzbērnu māmiņu, tad jau par Janukoviču vispār lieki diskutēt, vai ne?



    MZGD > Andris Doveiks 07.03.2015. 18.43

    Es dargais Doveik taviem personigi dzemdinatiem textiem pievershu bezgaligi daudz vairak uzmanibas nekaa parpostotiem linkiem. Shie linki ir kaa dildo. Tiem otraa dalaa nav iistas personas un viss ko tie dara atgadina rupnieciski sarazhotus shtancejumus. Doveik, neesi dildo, esi iists kraaninsh.



    Andris Doveiks > Andris Doveiks 09.03.2015. 09.43

    Neesmu pārliecināts, ka sapratīsi, bet te ir precīzi attainota tehnoloģija. Tiesa, bez rupjībām…

    The fact is that the Zionist power structure is afraid of Dr. Duke’s videos, and as they have no rational response to the information and arguments he presents in the videos they have to resort to censorship and harassment, using unfounded accusations of copyright violations as an excuse to deprive the public access to his powerful videos.

    Here is the crux of the problem. If Dr. Duke simply states that Jews were the main proponents of the Iraq war, his opponents will say “there goes that crazy anti-Semite again.” But if he shows a short video clip of the most prominent Jewish journalist of a generation, Carl Bernstein, declaring in no uncertain terms that Jewish neocons were behind the war, then Dr. Duke is accused of copyright violations!

    The American people have been conditioned for decades to become Zio-blind. Jewish supremacist journalist Joel Stein in an article he wrote for the Jewish-owned Los Angeles Times mocked American goyim’s stupidity for no longer recognizing Jewish domination of the media. If Dr. Duke stood up and said that Jews dominate the media, nobody would believe him. He could name all the names, and because the public has been so brainwashed about him and has been so ridiculously oversensitized to the “danger of anti-Semitism,” they would just assume that he is making up the names or lying about their heritage.



kolpants 06.03.2015. 16.39

Sankcijas atceltas vēl trim ukraiņiem – bijušajam Ukrainas Drošības dienesta (UDD) vadītājam Oleksandram Jakimenko


nu jā, nu jā, izrādās, bijušais drošībnieks neko nezināja, nav vainīgs,tāpēc atcēla :)))




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