A useful way to look at Latvia’s growth experience – and growth future


Komentāri (28)

anesteeziste 29.06.2014. 23.23

Nez kas ir produktivitātesieauguma pamatā? Darba organizācijas uzlabošana vai darba intensifikācija?



Ieva Leinerte 27.06.2014. 16.58

The value of C in context of B and D looks counterintuitive for 2007-2010. In this period the employment rate went down (B=-14.4),which should discourage the workforce participation. Further, the rate of 15-65 yo went down (C=-1). This should decrease the labor pool unless there is a population growth, which isnt the case for Latvia. Now, how come that there is less working age population, less jobs available, however more people are willing and able to work. Did they work for under the table cash and after losing their jobs decided to sign up for unemployment benefits?



taxi64 26.06.2014. 20.45

What is troubling me in the economics, is the restless aiming into maximizing the real income per capita as sort of “holy grail” which will bring us into the endless joy and happiness… I doubt that strongly. Leave aside the extra poor countries struggling to feed its population, I believe we are wealthy enough to find the source of more happiness into much more profound ways and sources. (Unless, of course, we are not the followers of the sect “Maximum Income = Maximum Happiness”.) It’s sad that we do not have much contemplation around about such topics as re-distribution of the wealth of extra-wealthy and strongly-wealthy towards the extra-poor and towards the basic services available for all (education, medicine etc.), about lowering the consumption of avoidable luxuries (lowering the GDP/capita, by the way), about spending less time and energy on maximization of the output and wage income, and spending more of them on our children and family. I hope sincerely that the time will come also for Latvia to put more effort into considering “how-to”s for increasing the GNH/capita more than for the very-much-treasured GDP/capita.



piziks 26.06.2014. 12.54

Morten, Morten Hansen!

Ja veiksmes stāsta ikdienišķā sadzīves Latvija izdzīvo lielā mērā — arī! — ar 574 milj. euro (pērn, 2013.) iesūtījumiem, tad, iespējams, ar nodokļu … it kā nemākulīgo, bet, iespējams, tieši otrādi…, — mērķtiecīgo! — politiku ekonomiskā emigrācija ir Latvijā pārvērsta par valsts peļņas nozari?

Varbūt, Jūs, Morten varat panalizēt, kas notiktu ar Latviju, ja tai atņemtu iesūtījumus?! Ja iesūtījumus “izņemtu” no LV naudas aprites? Vairāki “vietējie speciālisti” — it īpašie tie, kuri tuvāk varai vai pašā varā iekšā = mums apgalvo, ka iesūtījumi ir tik mazi. ka nav skaitīšanas vērti.



    Ieva Leinerte > piziks 27.06.2014. 17.00

    Kas ir iesūtījumi?



Janka, Janic 26.06.2014. 10.27

IRam vajadzeeja pie bildes pielikt uzrakstu “bez vārdiem”




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