Pēc sprādziena Ņujorkā sabrukušas divas daudzdzīvokļu ēkas


Komentāri (11)

Ivars Ozols 13.03.2014. 10.33

Šī tik tiešām ir traģēdija, diemžēl neviens nav pasargāts no šādām nelaimēm.



Ligiña Doniña 12.03.2014. 19.37

Pirms vēlēšanām šo interneta aktīvistu, “padomdevēju”, “deputātu” īstā brīdī ir jāpēta TV žurnālistiem. Viņam jākļūst populārai SC viedokļa patiesai sejai.



Malda 12.03.2014. 19.28

Nu Ločmeļa IP jau sen visiem zināms: LMT lietotajs IP



Malda 12.03.2014. 19.26

Es Jāzepu pazīstu, tas nu nav mūsu salašņa IR portālā.



Inese 12.03.2014. 19.07


Iraid varianti:

Professor Jazeps LOCMELIS

Grivas iela 11/22 – 51

Riga, LV 1055


Phone: (+371) 7466166, 29254511

E-mail: [email protected]

Born: September 12, 1928, Riga distr., Latvia


Telecommunication Network

Communication Engineering

History of Communication Engineering in Latvia

Languages: German, Russian, Latvian


Riga Industrial Polytechnic, 1945

Northwest Extra-Mural Polytechnical Institute (Faculty of Radio Engineering), St.Petersburg, Russia, 1960

Postgraduate, Institute of Electrical Engineering, , St.Petersburg, Russia, 1966.

Dr.sc.ing. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute of Electrical Engineering, St.Petersburg, Russia, 1968

Dr.habil.sc.ing., Riga Technical University, 1998


Technician, Engineer, Head of Laboratory, Senior Engineer – advisor, Communication Office, Riga district, 1945-1973

– Riga Technical University, 1960-2000:

Assistant Lecturer , 1960-1965

Associate Professor, 1965-1985

Head of Chair, 1971-1980; 1990-1992

Dean of Faculty of Radio Engineering and Communication, 1980-1990

Professor, 1985 – 2000

Director, Lattelekom Museum, 1995-2000

State Emeritus Scientist, 2000

Honours and Awards

Honorary Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2000

Full Member (Academician), International Telecommunication Academy, 1996

Award of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Joint-Stock Company Lattelekom and the Educational Foundation of Latvia, 2002

State Emeritus Scientist, 2000

The Three Star Order (Republic of Latvia), 1997

The Engineer J.Linter’s Prize, Latvia, 1992

The Merited Scientist of Latvia, 1987

The Latvian SSR State Prize, 1985

Professional Activities and Memberships

President, Latvian Association of Radioelectronics and Communication Engineers, 1987-1995

Philistine, fraternity Fraternitas Metropolitanis, 1992 –

Chairman, Fund of J.Linters, 1993 – 2004

Member, Latvian Telecommunication Club, 1992 -1998


Riga Technical University:

Communication Engineering, 1987 – 1991

Basics of Automatic Switching, 1965 – 1995

Digital Switching Systems, 1992 – 2000

Theory of Telecommunication Systems, 1980 – 2000

Marketing of Telecommunications, 1995 – 2000

Management of Telecommunications, 1995 – 2000

Recent/Representative Publications

Published more than 350 scientific, methodical and popular papers, including 12 books.

J.Locmelis. Viss mans múzs /All My Life/, 2005, Riga, 94 p. (in Latvian)

J.Locmelis. VEF – mans liktenis / VEF – My Destiny/, 2005, Riga, 107 pp. (in Latvian).

J.Locmelis. Telecommunication History, III, 2005, Riga, 450 p. (in Latvian)

J.Krauklis, J.Locmelis. Komunikaciju leksikons/ Communication Lexicon/, 2004, Riga: Jumava, 208 pp. (in Latvian).

J.Locmelis (Editor). Telekomunikaciju specialisti II / Telecommunication Specialists II/, 2003, Riga, 267 pp. (in Latvian).

J.Locmelis. Telecommunication History, II, 2002, Riga, 472 pp. (in Latvian)

J.Locmelis. Telecommunication History, 2000, Riga, 406 pp. (in Latvian)

J.Locmelis. Digital Switching Systems, 1998, Riga: Riga Technical University, 72 pp.

J.Locmelis. The technical and economical aspects of the modernisation of the Telecommunication network in Latvia. – Riga, 1998, pp.172-173.

J.Locmelis. Theory of Telecommunication Network, 1997, Riga: Riga Technical University, 188 pp. (in Latvian)

J.Locmelis. Development of telecommunication in Latvia. – In: Proceedings of Conference “Latvian Mobile Telecommunications in the Global Information Society”, Riga, 1997, pp. 5-6.



Inese 12.03.2014. 19.03

Nēģeri neprot apieties ar gāzi?



    Malda > Inese 12.03.2014. 19.25

    Vispār jau ir tā ka vārds ņēģe.is ir aizvainojums melnajiem, bet nu neko nevar gribēt no homo sovieticus, tolerance tiek prasīta tikai pret krieviem. Tur kur pāri gājusi PSRS smadzeņu saklošana tur nekas daudz nav palicis.



    Inese > Inese 12.03.2014. 20.04

    Kā vārds nēģeris var aizvainot melnos?



    Malda > Inese 12.03.2014. 20.28

    Nēģeris jeb nigro angliski ir palama ko lietoja apzīmējot melnos vergus ASV. Ceru ka latviešus tu diendienā nesauc par bauriem, vai krievu par maskaļiem. Pie tam , ja nosausi krievu par maskali, varbūt tev kaut ko rupju pateiks pretīm, bet ja meno nosauksi par nēģeri, var dabūt pa muti. Sāc mācīties, imigranti jau lēnām nāk LV virzienā. Nesen biju Prāgā, tur melnu ka mudž.



    Inese > Inese 12.03.2014. 20.32

    Ko tu tur muldi ;) Vot, palasi, par piemēu, paizglītojies kaut biku:

    In Denmark, “Neger” is still considered a neutral word that most of the population use when describing a person of African descent.

    In Hungarian, néger is still considered to be the most neutral term

    The Dutch word, “neger” is generally considered to be a neutral one

    In Brazil and Portugal, negro is the most respectful way to address people of Black African descent



    Malda > Inese 12.03.2014. 20.54

    OK, novēlu tev nedabūt pa muti kad satiksi kādu no melnajiem. :) Es 2 gadus nostrādāju vienā telpā ar vienu tādu, labi zinu ko runāju.

    Pietam runa ir par ASV melnajiem, kuriem tas nav mīļvārdiņš. UK tas pats, Kanādā tas pats.




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