Latvia vs. Greece – some comparisons, part I


Komentāri (10)

Artūrs 25.07.2015. 19.01

How much can this attributed to Latvia having much lower debt to gdp before crisis?

How much can this be atrributed to latvia returning to financial markets with ultra-low interest rates and taking into account this wasnt possible in Greece.

How much is taken into account that around 10percent of population have left, lifting gdp per capita.

And now that LAtvia is in eurozone and that chronic current account deficit and nearly the same economic model how safe it is to assume Latvia will become the next Greece when the business cycle turns round in 5-10years time ?



Neticis 23.07.2015. 20.03

Morten, I’d recommend to use “Annual changes” instead of “Annual growth” in label of Figure 1. Otherwise I have to suspect you are also follower of “Infinite growth (at least for GDP dollars) in finite world” idea.



Aivars 23.07.2015. 18.07

Tik tālu gluži kā par to astes nociršanu kaķim,Latvija ar vienu cirtienu,Grieķija pa mazam gabaliņam.Un šobrīd Grieķija pēc visas mocīšanās tik un tā spiesta sākt straujas,sāpīgas reformas.Tikmēr Latvijas ekonomika ataug (tas salīdzinājums ar asti vairs nestrādā:))Interesanti būs salīdzināt vēl pēc dažiem gadiem,domāju rezultāti būs līdzīgi,tikai grieķi līdz 2015.g. zaudēja laiku.




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