Estonian dreams of growth


Komentāri (23)

kārlisr 13.11.2014. 09.34

Unfortunately, have to agree with Aivars that quality journalism is hardly a thing in these corners. I have decided to subscribe to an analytical news journal next year for just that reason– I want to support decent journalism.



aivars15 12.11.2014. 22.51

I volunteer possible replies:

a) No-one challenges politicians (see c) and no-one understands, but it sounds better than ‘your salaries will rise by 3% a year’

b) The advisors could be aspiring politicians, ‘yes’ men or not conversant in economics;

c) Unless situation in Estonia is very different from Latvia, there are only reporters, no journalists left. The only journalist in Latvia who used to write about economy was Anita Brauna. Not sure that even she could combine concept of GDP and compound interest rates, analyse and ask pointed question. It could be that with disappearance of people paying for the news, small nations no longer can afford journalism.




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