Lielbritānija draud atņemt licenci “Russia Today”


Komentāri (20)

Zoja 11.11.2014. 10.08

Nils CV jau nosūtījis?…



Kurmītis 11.11.2014. 10.05

Rietumu “demokrātija” un vārda brīvība darbībā.



dullaisdauka 11.11.2014. 09.49

Tas ir patētiski un nožēlojami! Britu reakcionārie imperiālisti negrib pieļaut ka viņu apspiestās šķirnes un darbaļaudis varētu uzzināt patiesību, kura tiem citādi nav pieejama! Rokas nost no Russia today! Visu varu padomēm!



    Andris Doveiks > dullaisdauka 11.11.2014. 13.21

    Tas ir patētiski un nožēlojami! Britu reakcionārie imperiālisti negrib pieļaut ka viņu apspiestās šķirnes un darbaļaudis varētu uzzināt patiesību, kura tiem citādi nav pieejama! Rokas nost no Russia today! Visu varu…

    Kā bez ironijas un vēsturiskā mielēm uzrakstīt, ka vajadzīga tautas vara? Sanāk, ka esam tā izkompostrēti, ka pat neprotam noformulēt, kādu varu gribam! Tad arī rezultāts ir loģisks – tautai varas nav :(



dzeris49 11.11.2014. 08.36

Krievijas propagandas kanāliem būtu vispār jāaizliedz raidīt ES un ASV, sliktākajā gadījumā, jāļauj to darīt tik daudz, cik Krievijā brīvi var rakstīt un raidīt ārzemju MM, tas būtu adekvāti.

Nevajag par zemu novērtēt Krievijas propagandas lomu arī uz brīvu un demokrātisku sabiedrību, īpaši, uz tās marginālo un infantīlo daļu, tā ir kā lēnas iedarbības inde, kas saindē pamazām, un saindētās smadzenes ārstēt pagrūti, ja ne neiespējami.



    Andris Doveiks > dzeris49 11.11.2014. 13.18

    Dzeri, vai derēs viens pret vinu – cik rietumu kanāli austrumos, tik pat austrumu kanāli rietumos, ja? Ja Londonā slēdz vienīgo RT, tad arī Maskavā paliek apaļa e kanālu, kas nepieder Krievijas īpašniekiem. Pareizi? Un Latvijā arī – ja Latvijas kapitālistiem nepieder kanāli Zviedrijā…



Viedoklis_lv 11.11.2014. 07.28

Komentārs, kuru publicēju Putina režīma propogandas kanālos, kas slēpjas aiz “alternatīvie mēdiji” nosaukuma. Atvainojiet par vājo angļu valodu jau iepriekš.

I will repeat this post because in my opinion it’s important to open eyes those who have good intention in their heart but have been misled by elite / regimes of different sides. How I see things is I look at what government is doing – looking at its work, methods and results. And from there it’s basically two sides: those who work in good of common people and protect their individual rights & freedoms, and those who manipulate their people take their rights away and work for elite benefits. Now you look from that perspective and you are going around in so called “alternative media” as this (which actually is not alternative at all – but about that little later) than I’m sure you are aware about US oligarch regime crimes and that they are not working for the people. What you are lacking in information at some sites is about other elites / regimes / oligarchs and how they treat their people. So because of this lack of information you can be easily manipulated to think that there is only one evil elite that rules west and others can be looked at as opposition to this evil – so automatically they are the good guys VS evil west. Well it’s not so at all. If you go back to what I started and those criteria how I divide governments – than you will realize that for example Putin oligarch regime, China elite regime – is not working for their people and is not protecting their individual rights and freedoms. They use the same tactics, the same crimes, the same manipulation in order to gain their elite more power more wealth and hides it under different banners. I’ post links about Putin regime in the end – check them out.

This manipulation with your mind is possible using different kind of channels that you think is alternative media – when actually it’s Putin regime asset for brainwashing you. Also US oligarch regime has their alternative media to brainwash you. So it’s really hard to stay focus and not to get lost in this war over your mind. But those criteria I posted can help you.

What Putin regime assets as RT, Zerohedge (because obviously it is Putin regime asset as you will not be able to find any criticism towards from this site towards actions Putin regime do to their people by limiting their freedoms, by internet censorship and of course will stay in line with Putin regime lies that they are not invading Ukraine – when there is evidence

about Putin regime tanks in Ukraine that are not in any country army but only in Russian) does is they are mixing truth with lies. You know – you have to add some sugar for bitter poison. They are well aware about US oligarch crimes and they are well aware that MSM is hiding them from people in west and they are well aware that people in west is seeking the truth that exposes these crimes – so what they do is this – they expose US oligarch regime crimes for what you are so interested in and in this way they are taking your attention and confidence to this source so that you trust them and thank them for bringing truth. And what they do then is they add their Putin regime lies that you automatically accept as truth because they were saying truth about US oligarch regime crimes (not always though). So this is the way they mix truth with lies in order to make you think from their perspective. If they add more paid trolls than mostly this scheme will work and people will live under Putin regime brainwashing machine. So now you know. Now it’s a choice for you to think this trough and start looking at information more with critical thinking. Yes, world is not so simple as we think.

Here are some links to look at and think of if you are cheering for Putin regime:



    Kurmītis > Viedoklis_lv 11.11.2014. 10.19

    Jefiņ, tu kaut kur ne tur esi ielīdis ar savu komentu. Šeit iet runa nevis par to, ka „Putina režīms” kaut ko taisās cenzēt vai aizliegt vei neļaut, bet gan angļu „demokrātija”. Tieši tāpat kā mūsu pašmāju meļi un propagandisti aizliedza pavasarī Krievijas TV kanālus. Pēc šī klajā totalitārisma akta, vārda brīvības un citu „Rietumu vērtību” piesmiešanas, vajadzētu labāk paklusēt … ja būtu kaut mazākā kauna kripatiņa … bet nav jau … : )))



Fikseris 10.11.2014. 23.11

apmulsis 10.11.2014. 22.37

The Menace of Unreality: How the Kremlin Weaponizes Information, Culture and Money



    Fikseris > apmulsis 10.11.2014. 22.50

    Valsts buveta uz meliem nespes ilgi pastavet. Krievi to vel sodien nav sapratushi :)



sniega_roze 10.11.2014. 22.04

Šodien lasīju, ka Krievijā no 1. janvāra pārtraukšot retranslēt CNN…

Laikam TV ir liels spēks un mums uz savu tē-vē derētu apskatīties vai viss ir uz ūsiņu.



    Andris Doveiks > sniega_roze 11.11.2014. 10.37

    Tikai viņi neatzīstas, kāpēc pārtrauks. Ja viņus taisītu ciet, gan jau bļautu. Tad laikam reitings maziņš, bet mīnusiņi lieli.



Fikseris 10.11.2014. 21.44

Beidzot. Cerams ka neatkapsies un taa ari izdaris.



    Andris Doveiks > Fikseris 11.11.2014. 10.39

    Jā, demokrātijas un vārda brīvības jēdzienam rietumos jau sen ir noteikts saturs, RT pievēršana varēs to skaidri nodemonstrēt. Briti gan mīkstie – latvieši jau sen būtu aizvēruši, vai ne :)



    Fikseris > Fikseris 11.11.2014. 17.34

    Varda briviba nenozime, ka var laut tadiem kretiniem ka tu sludinat kara propagandu.




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