TV sabiedrībai


Komentāri (16)

Inese 31.10.2013. 13.05

Izcils zīmējums! Talantam ieteiktu piedalīties Irānas izsludinātajā zīmējumu/karikatūru/fotogrāfiju konkursā Marg bar Amrika (Nāvi ASV!).

The contest is broken into two parts, offering 100m Iranian rial (about $4,000) for a photograph, poster, or cartoon, and a smaller award of roughly $1,200 for documentaries, songs, and short form writing like blog posts. The list of sections and topics include:

American dictatorship

America and Islamaphobia

Why is America untrustworthy?

Fake democracy in America

America, and the 99%

Judges for the contest are prominent hard-line Iranian artists and illustrators, and though the party was defeated in the last election, the country’s revolutionary guard is also organizing a “Down with America” rally on November 4.

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