Forecast: GDP decline in 2020 between 0% and 100%


Komentāri (1)

Edgars Lapiņš 06.04.2020. 11.55

Paldies, Morten! In these times we really need such gentle reminders not to have unreasonable expectations towards experts.
This is in fact also a good litmus test for people in positions of authority. Do they go around making wishful thinking promises unfounded in science (like a certain leader of the free world does)? Do e.g. opposition politicians or their PR people make opportunistic jabs at the establishment, and worst of all, medical professionals, by posturing and demanding unrealistic interventions, such as “cancel physical distancing, because it harms businesses”? Or do they admit the uncertainty, talk in terms of probabilities and address risk management, yet are able to clearly communicate what the society, businesses or government should focus on? This speaks volumes.




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